Vitamin K deficiency and toxicity:
Vitamin K;
Vitamin K is fat-soluble vitamin obtained from non food sources. The natural form of vitamin K is phylloquinone and the synthetic form is menadione. Vitamin K plays a primary role in blood clothing through activation of several proteins.
Vitamin K also participate in the synthesis of bone proteins. The AI of vitamin K for men is 120 micro g/day and for women is 90micro g /day.
Vitamin K deficiency:
primary deficiency (inadequate dietary in take) of vitamin K is rare but secondary deficiency may occur in two circumstances. Firstly , vitamin K absorption diminishes, when fat absorption falters as witnessed during low bile production.
Secondly intake of some drugs may disrupt vitamin K synthesis and action in the body. Following are some of the clinical signs of vitamin K deficiency.
Bleeding diathesis is ‘’an unusual susceptibility to bleed (hemorrhage) mostly due to hypo coagulability (a condition of irregular and slow blood clothing), caused by a coagulopathy(a defect in the system of coagulation)’
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