conversion of dietary data into information
conversion of dietary data into information
Dietary assessment are carried out to compare food intake patterns among different population groups , study relationship of food intake with health and to evaluate the effectiveness of dietary interventions. Moreover, dietary assessment is routinely conducted for data collection of different nutrition surveys and epidemiology studies.
Often, data on the type and amounts of food eaten by certain individuals or population groups are important consideration IN estimation of nutrient intake . However , translation of food on the nutrient into nutritional intake data require information on the nutrient composition of foods.
This is accessed from nutrient databased or food composition table, which are subjected to certain limitations or potential source of error. Assessing dietary status brings in to consideration the types and amount of foods consumed, intake of nutritionally important nutrient ant phytochemicals.
Food composition data bases (FCDBs) in data transformation
FCDBs represent detailed information about the composition of foods in a country . FCBDs can be found in different formats i.e. in electronic or paper versions, also known as food composition tables. FCBDs provide approximate values of nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber, vitamin and minerals)present in each food listed.